Stress-free Quality


Prepare your company for external audits

Guarantee your company a positive quality audit result thanks to the functions of the noSilo program. Ensure the proper condition of documentation, train employees to work according to standards, and verify their knowledge and skills. Provide employees with tools to prepare for an external audit without stress.

wymagane badania




Prepare your company for external audits

Guarantee your company a positive quality audit result thanks to the functions of the noSilo program. Ensure the proper condition of documentation, train employees to work according to standards, and verify their knowledge and skills. Provide employees with tools to prepare for an external audit without stress.

wymagane badania

How do you react to information about a quality audit in your plant?

From our clients’ experience, we know what preparation for an external quality audit usually looks like in production plants. The information reaches the company a week or two earlier. During this time, there is a need to ensure that documentation is complete and stored following the standards and that employees can correctly answer questions about the process or safety procedures.

Do you put out fires or prevent them?

How do you react to information about a quality audit in your plant?

From our clients’ experience, we know what preparation for an external quality audit usually looks like in production plants. The information reaches the company a week or two earlier. During this time, there is a need to ensure that documentation is complete and stored following the standards and that employees can correctly answer questions about the process or safety procedures.

Do you put out fires or prevent them?

fire prevention

Stop putting out fires and start preventing them!

The noSilo system effectively supports enterprises in quality management following the ISO 9001:2015 standard and in safety management following the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard. The software includes many functionalities that improve the process of managing documentation, as well as employee knowledge and competence. Implementing this modern solution allows for easy verification of compliance with procedures on an ongoing basis and prepares the plant for a stress-free quality audit with a positive result.

Onboarding and employee documentation

  • Requirements shown on checklists allow you to plan the onboarding process and make sure that all steps from the list have been completed and all documentation has been provided.
  • Confirmation of task completion is saved in the system.
  • Data from the system is automatically available for the HR department, shortening and accelerating the documentation flow.
  • Confirmation of the documentation delivery and checklist task completion eliminates doubts regarding the correctness of onboarding.
szkolenia onboardingowe
realizacja kompetencji

Employees’ confirmed competence

  • Intelligent competence matrices provide insight into each employee’s current state of competence and allow you to ensure that they are improving their competencies according to the established development path.
  • Notifications remind the employee and supervisor of the need to complete training for the selected competency by the specified date.
  • Confirmation of training completion with a positive test result gives the supervisor confidence that the employee has acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to work independently and will be able to correctly answer questions asked during the audit (and in the case of an employee who is still undergoing training, such information constitutes an explanation in the event of an incorrect answer). 

Properly conducted training

  • Creating planned and well-thought-out requirements enables employees to be properly prepared for safe and efficient work in the plant.
  • Building comprehensive training programmes enables the training process to be standardised for all employees in a given position.
  • The training history demonstrates that the employee received proper training and that his knowledge and skills meet applicable standards.
  • Attention to the level of training and skill verification ensures that the employee knows what is necessary to obtain a positive result when answering the auditor’s questions.
tworzenie programów szkoleniowych
instrukcje stanowiskowe

Constant access to easily digestible knowledge

  • The noSilo app’s online knowledge base guarantees constant access to instructions and current company news, allowing you to obtain the most important information without having to leave your workplace.
  • New employees have easy and quick access to understandable instructions prepared by experienced colleagues (e.g., instructions recorded at the workplace).
  • Access to helpful materials significantly reduces the number of errors and allows employees to quickly and efficiently implement the process.
  • The ability to recall the most important information allows employees to better prepare for the audit and eliminate stress. 

Internal quality audits

  • Creating your documents allows you to prepare internal audits in the form of checklists or tests.
  • Internal audits may be about process implementation, health and safety, and fire protection rules.
  • Audits available in the workplace’s online application allow you to quickly check the knowledge of all employees at once.
  • Regularly conducting internal audits allows you to be perfectly prepared for external audits and pass them with positive results and little stress.
checklista biurokracja onboarding

Stop putting out fires and start preventing them!

The noSilo system effectively supports enterprises in quality management following the ISO 9001:2015 standard and in safety management following the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard. The software includes many functionalities that improve the process of managing documentation, as well as employee knowledge and competence. Implementing this modern solution allows for easy verification of compliance with procedures on an ongoing basis and prepares the plant for a stress-free quality audit with a positive result.

Onboarding and employee documentation

  • Requirements shown on checklists allow you to plan the onboarding process and make sure that all steps from the list have been completed and all documentation has been provided.
  • Confirmation of task completion is saved in the system.
  • Data from the system is automatically available for the HR department, shortening and accelerating the documentation flow.
  • Confirmation of the documentation delivery and checklist task completion eliminates doubts regarding the correctness of onboarding.
szkolenia onboardingowe

Employees’ confirmed competence

  • Intelligent competence matrices provide insight into each employee’s current state of competence and allow you to ensure that they are improving their competencies according to the established development path.
  • Notifications remind the employee and supervisor of the need to complete training for the selected competency by the specified date.
  • Confirmation of training completion with a positive test result gives the supervisor confidence that the employee has acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to work independently and will be able to correctly answer questions asked during the audit (and in the case of an employee who is still undergoing training, such information constitutes an explanation in the event of an incorrect answer).
realizacja kompetencji

Properly conducted training

  • Creating planned and well-thought-out requirements enables employees to be properly prepared for safe and efficient work in the plant.
  • Building comprehensive training programmes enables the training process to be standardised for all employees in a given position.
  • The training history demonstrates that the employee received proper training and that his knowledge and skills meet applicable standards.
  • Attention to the level of training and skill verification ensures that the employee knows what is necessary to obtain a positive result when answering the auditor’s questions.
tworzenie programów szkoleniowych

Constant access to easily digestible knowledge

  • The noSilo app’s online knowledge base guarantees constant access to instructions and current company news, allowing you to obtain the most important information without having to leave your workplace.
  • New employees have easy and quick access to understandable instructions prepared by experienced colleagues (e.g., instructions recorded at the workplace).
  • Access to helpful materials significantly reduces the number of errors and allows employees to quickly and efficiently implement the process.
  • The ability to recall the most important information allows employees to better prepare for the audit and eliminate stress.
instrukcje stanowiskowe

Internal quality audits

  • Creating your documents allows you to prepare internal audits in the form of checklists or tests.
  • Internal audits may be about process implementation, health and safety, and fire protection rules.
  • Audits available in the workplace’s online application allow you to quickly check the knowledge of all employees at once.
  • Regularly conducting internal audits allows you to be perfectly prepared for external audits and pass them with positive results and little stress.
checklista biurokracja onboarding

Guarantee the positive result of a quality audit

Focus on the business goals

  • Stay in complete control of the process and avoid distractions from external audit information, thanks to your constant preparedness for successful completion.
  • Guarantee high process efficiency and consistent employee productivity by eliminating the stressful atmosphere before the audit. 

Meet applicable standards

  • Manage the organisation’s work quality following the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
  • Manage safety by following OHSAS 18001:2007.
  • Use automatic tools to standardise documentation flow, onboarding, and employee training processes.

Avoid unnecessary chaos

  • Eliminate the stress of trying to catch up on a months-long backlog two weeks before the audit.
  • Avoid unexpected errors that may occur when quickly completing documentation or providing employees with too much information in a short time.
  • Use internal audits to mirror your quality audit step by step. 

Stay one step ahead of the competition

  • Avoid firefighting mistakes and prepare for external audits well in advance.
  • Maintain high-quality standards within the company and create a workplace that sets an example for the competition.
  • Build even better contacts with clients, contractors, and investors thanks to the positive results of quality audits.

Eliminate stress

  • Prepare employees for audits by providing appropriate training and certifying their knowledge and skills.
  • Provide employees with training materials in an accessible format and guarantee access to the most important information in the knowledge base.
  • Reduce employees’ stress from external audits by conducting internal audits regularly.

Get high results on quality audits

  • Build the image of a reliable and trustworthy company through appropriate preparation for quality audits.
  • Avoid the consequences of running your business in a manner inconsistent with quality and safety standards.
  • Use your employees’ potential better and develop your company thanks to the possibilities offered by the modern noSilo management system.

Guarantee a positive result of quality audit

Eliminate stress

  • Prepare employees for audits by providing appropriate training and certifying their knowledge and skills.
  • Provide employees with training materials in an accessible format and guarantee access to the most important information in the knowledge base.
  • Reduce employees’ stress from external audits by conducting internal audits regularly.

Focus on the business goals

  • Stay in complete control of the process and avoid distractions from external audit information, thanks to your constant preparedness for successful completion.
  • Guarantee high process efficiency and consistent employee productivity by eliminating the stressful atmosphere before the audit.

Meet applicable standards

  • Manage the organisation’s work quality following the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
  • Manage safety by following OHSAS 18001:2007.
  • Use automatic tools to standardise documentation flow, onboarding, and employee training processes.

Stay one step ahead of the competition

  • Avoid firefighting mistakes and prepare for external audits well in advance.
  • Maintain high-quality standards within the company and create a workplace that sets an example for the competition.
  • Build even better contacts with clients, contractors, and investors thanks to the positive results of quality audits.

Avoid unnecessary chaos

  • Eliminate the stress of trying to catch up on a months-long backlog two weeks before the audit.
  • Avoid unexpected errors that may occur when quickly completing documentation or providing employees with too much information in a short time.
  • Use internal audits to mirror your quality audit step by step.

Get high results on quality audits

  • Build the image of a reliable and trustworthy company through appropriate preparation for quality audits.
  • Avoid the consequences of running your business in a manner inconsistent with quality and safety standards.
  • Use your employees’ potential better and develop your company thanks to the possibilities offered by the modern noSilo management system.

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Wojciechowska 7E
20-704 Lublin

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